Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ticonderoga Pencils - Ticonderoga Cedar Yellow Wood Pencils, #2/HB Soft Lead DIX13882

Ticonderoga Cedar Yellow Wood Pencils, #2/HB Soft Lead DIX13882 | Ticonderoga Pencils | Crafted from reforested cedar wood for easy sharpening. Exclusive graphite core formula that offers extra-smooth writing performance. Satin-smooth finish enhances writing comfort. Top-quality eraser provides clean, easy corrections. : Ticonderoga Pencils
Customer Review: A horse can find its own way to water, but a pencil must be lead
I bought a pack of these the last time I went to Costco, and as far as pencils are concerned, I can't complain. When it comes to men, though, that's a whole other can of beans... : Ticonderoga Pencils
Customer Review: So good we ask for it by name! : Ticonderoga Pencils

This is the best pencil on the market. It is so good that it is always an item we ask for specifcally while on deployments.

Reasons why this pencil is the best:

(1) Since it is constructed with REAL wood and not synthetic wood/rubber - this pencil is very easy to sharpen by hand or with an electronic sharpener. Try sharpening a rubber pencil in an electronic sharpner and it is a total waste of time.

(2) The lead does not break off very easily and can be sharpened to a very fine point. This pencil is more reliable than a more expensive .3mm mechanical drafting pencil at producing very fine lines.

(3) An eraser that works!!! A lot of pencils these days have erasers that do nothing but smear and make things worst. The erasers of lesser pencils simply do not work at all! The Dixon Ticonderoga pencil has a very fine eraser to compliment the lead and it does an excellent job of removing lead without smearing and never ever gets dried out.

Simply the best pencil out there. : Ticonderoga Pencils

PSX Rubber Stamps Ticonderoga Pencils

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